Komi Industrial Inkjet Co., Ltd. is a Hong Kong based company which established in 2007. The main business of the company includes the sales and promotion of the industrial inkjet printhead products of Konica Minolta Inkjet business division. The company provides the complete digital inkjet solution for different applications and provides certain technical support the customers in Greater China. At the same time, the company cooperates with different inkjet technology companies in the inkjet industry to develop and promote the digital inkjet technology to the production equipment and related products required for various industrial production.


With the development of the inkjet technology and the popularisation of the digital inkjet production technology in various industrial sectors, different industrial fields have a strong demand on the industrialised of the inkjet technology. The digital inkjet technology provides an innovative production technology for different industries, the digital production and green production becomes a trend. Digital inkjet technology is gradually used to replace the traditional production processes. Komi Industrial Inkjet Co., Ltd. works closely with Konica Minolta Inkjet Business Division in the R&D and development of various industrialised printheads and inkjet technology-related products for the Greater China region. The company has extensive experience in the inkjet technology and applications. In addition, the company has established a complete cooperative relationship and network with inkjet equipment manufacturers, driving system companies, printing software suppliers, color management and ink manufacturers in the market. The company provides the complete digital solutions for the industrial inkjet applications to the customers in different industries.


Digital inkjet technology provides bright opportunities for the industrial production in different fields and markets. Inkjet technology has been developed for more than 20 years. At the beginning, inkjet technology was widely applied in the advertising equipment and many industries have begun to use inkjet technology to replace the traditional production with the development of the inkjet technology and the improvement of the supporting technologies. It is expected that the inkjet technology will gradually become popular in different industrial production fields, and the inkjet technology will be a new industrial innovation. The on-demand production feature of the inkjet technology is suitable to the short-run and personalised spending pattern in the society nowadays. It is more effective for the industrial production to reduce the waste in the production processes and reduce the discharge of the wasted water and harmful substances.


Komi Industrial Inkjet Co., Ltd. will be committed to promote the digitalisation of the different industrial production by using inkjet technology to provide customers more cost-effective and energy saving industrial production processes.